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thhankuuuuu sir jiiiiiiiiii

February 28, 2015 at 10:26am
thnakxxxxxxxxxxx for every thing : dimple shukla

thnaku pandit r.k. sharma ji

February 28, 2015 at 10:21am
PANDIT R.K. SHARMA JI has been mentally & socially very supportive in helping me & my family .As I didn't get gud marks in my class XII exams, so it was very difficult for me to get admission . I had nohope. but my parents was forcing me for marriage. But after consulting PANDIT R.K. SHARMA JI ,I prepared for entrance exams & got admission in BBA. now I i m & my parents r happy, now they don't force me for marriage but now for gud career. thnxxxxxx to my friend jyoti fOR recommending me PANDIT R.K. SHARMA JI THE BEST PALMIST & ASTROLOGER : Dimple Shukla