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kenyan marshall disapproves this

November 12, 2012 at 3:28am
I did no like this DJ and music orchestra and they no play Paranoid nor FInlandia hymn and no ride with horse in circles like i did in the greatest movie of all time: Marshall of Finland, Mannerheim!!! I like to see band very excellent and hear paranoid all night long, they must add it to their playlist and it must be their only song and then tehy make riot in Nairobi and play it to me when i ride horse i like morning aerobics and jogging in the dark alleys, on breakfast i eat mango chutney and on evening i eat fetachutney which i greatly hate beacuse it greeke not kenyan, banana banana banana terracotta pie, is that problem, sir?

I was there with my indian 23 wifes

November 12, 2012 at 3:21am
i also has 3 kids and im kenyan marshall of FInland, name Mannerheim. i very rich man and i like biig big restaurants with much place for family. my first wife was MEhulimsa Shuhkpur and he liked the restaurant and the marvelllous chutney. my second wife name die 2 days after this restaurant and he eated pork with brownsauce. my third wife was on diet so he eated water as he weights 320lb and he looks very beautiful. my forth wife is 12 years old and she likes jelly made of peanuts and mushrooms. we all like coca in nose and some cola with it. i also be same think with ANdron that times were good and service was evil. i now publish that this restaurant is public enemy of Kenya and it will be demolished as we get enough guns to do it yesyes.

Me very flexible

November 12, 2012 at 3:12am
this place was very good training. i liked the teacher who was very hot indian. not india indian but american indian yesyes apache. when i come here i likelike the aerobics.


November 12, 2012 at 3:09am
I was eat AT down town restaraunt yes yes. It was very "fast food" haha. then i go to cinema and i drink root beer in the sunset of this beautiful country INdia yesyes. when u read this you obviously think that this is not made honestly but it really is yes. im gonna go again eat eat and some ricenoodels this time they say they goodgood.